Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Truth about Animal Humane Society

A link to this information was just posted on Twitter by AHS of MN. While most of the information may be accurate.... the devil is the details. Please note how important the wording of their claims are.

Quotes from: "But I heard… A few mythbusting facts about AHS"
"Myth: AHS picks and chooses the animals it takes in"

"Truth: AHS is an open admission facility. We believe that all animals in need of assistance should be aided. At our five locations, we do not turn animals away based on space, temperament, health, age or physical characteristics. Last year, 38,177 animals came through our doors."

AHS of MN is an open admission facility. At their five locations, they do not turn animals away based on space, temperament, health, age or physical characteristics. Last year, 38,177 animals came through their doors. They DO KILL cats and other small animals for space issues. They DO KILL animals for temperment and they DO KILL animals for age and other physical characteristics. They take all the animals in; that doesn't mean they will ever leave alive.

"Myth: Animals in our care have a time limit"

"Truth: Animals on our adoption floors stay with AHS until they get adopted. We do not impose a time limit on available animals. As long as the animal remains in good health and temperament, it is available until it is adopted. The average stay for a dog or cat from the time they arrive to the time they’re adopted is 12 days—that’s 30% less time than they spent on the adoption floor last year!"

Animals on the adoption floors stay with AHS until they get adopted. They do not impose a time limit on available animals. As long as the animal remains in good health and temperament, it is available until it is adopted, if not, it will be destroyed. What they failed to mention is that almost half the animals that they take in NEVER MAKE IT TO THE ADOPTION FLOOR.

More of the REAL TRUTH to come....

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